Power Diagrams

Below is a list of diagrams to support the proper setup of SkyBell. We recommend you install SkyBell with a low voltage transformer and a wired, analog doorbell chime.

Power Setup Diagrams

  1. Transformer with Doorbell Chime
    * This is the recommended setup for SkyBell
  2. Transformer Setup – No Doorbell Chime**
    ** This setup requires a 10 ohm /10-watt resistor. Buy approved resistor.
  3. 12 DC Adapter – No Doorbell Chime**
    ** This setup requires a 10 ohm /10-watt resistor. Buy approved resistor.

Resistor Setup Details

If you are not using a doorbell chime, you MUST use a 10 ohm / 10 watt resistor on one connection between SkyBell and the power source. Here is a detailed image of a setup for a low voltage transformer and a 12 VDC power supply. (Click to see a larger image)

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