1. If a customer has a mechanical chime make sure the digital chime is turned off in the app settings.
2. If a customer has a digital chime then make sure they have a digital adapter.

Determine if there is sufficient power to the SkyBell.

3. Locate the transformer that powers the doorbell system(Sometimes found in the attic, garage or in the wall behind the chime).
4. Record the transformers output specs(e.g. 16Vac 10va or 24vac 20va)
5. Use a voltmeter to check the current-voltage on the SkyBell mount.
6. If using a 16vac transformer, the voltage should read over 19vac, for a 24vac transformer, power should read over 28vac.
7. If minimum power is not available, the replacement of the transformer will be required.

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